Inifinite Campus glitch causes blast from the past

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HHS students were brought back to elementary school on Wednesday, as all student pictures on Infinite Campus were reverted back to the students’ pictures from eight years ago.

The change resulted from a mistake during routine maintenance on Infinite Campus.

“There was a glitch that was made while updating some servers.  It ended up pointing at an old folder instead of the current folder.  It ended up looking at the pictures from eight years ago rather than the current student pictures,” said Linda Wareham, Electronic Systems Coordinator.

Students and teachers had no idea what was going on with the Infinite Campus pictures first block while trying to take attendance.

“[Mr.] Novak was scrolling through attendance and said to me, ‘Mary I like your pigtails’, so then I had to go look,” said Mary Kate Evon, junior.

Throughout the day, students and staff couldn’t help themselves from laughing while either looking at the pictures in class or checking their twitter feeds.

“I thought it was very cute and funny to see all the kids. And then it was all about who still looks the same and who’s changed a lot,” said Jay Katzenmeyer, Math Department.

Some students like Treyvon Edwards, senior, did not even recognize their classmates.

“We were all so little and different. Now we are all grown up and it is funny to see how different people look now,” Edwards said.

At least many students were able to laugh about their so called embarrassing elementary photos.

“I didn’t realize how unfortunate I was back then, but I thought it was really funny,” said Sammi Lehman, sophomore.