Club Overview: MSA
Feb 10, 2022

The Muslim Student Association, MSA, at HHS is on the rise this year and ready to thrive. Joining MSA is a fun way to not only connect with your peers, but to further educate yourself and others as well. The club is for all students, and this year the club leaders are hoping to recruit people of all backgrounds to further unify our student body at HHS.
“We want to make our school a better place for everyone, so we are welcoming to anybody who would like to join MSA,” Aisha Dakol, senior, said. “I feel like many people think our club is only for Muslim students, but hopefully we’ll have some other people join us soon.”
Dakol is a leader of MSA along with Rahmatullah Dem and Edna Ahmed, senior.
Despite COVID-19 creating some issues with events being planned by MSA, they are hoping to host a culture night sometime soon for students at HHS. Events like this are great opportunities to learn more about your peers and unite through your diversity. MSA is passionate not only about informing others on Islam, but also about bringing together all cultures and religions at HHS.
“We are looking for all groups of people to join MSA as we continue to build our club,” Dakol said. “This way we can help educate students and have a better understanding of each other.”
MSA is a great way to break out of your shell and engage with the other students at HHS. Meetings are not only packed with fun activities, but also insightful discussions regarding Islam at HHS.
“Being a part of MSA helped me meet new people, and it also helped me get outside my comfort zone,” Dakol said. “Being a leader of the club has been an amazing experience so far, and I’m really proud of myself for trying something new.”