Club Spotlight: Letters of Love
Sep 13, 2022

While living in a highly polarized world, everyone needs some extra love. Especially when in a vulnerable state, such as battling illness or struggling with mental health, acts of kindness are highly impactful. The new Club at HHS, Letters of Love, will be a pillar of kindness, connecting the Hopkins community to those in need.
Letters of Love began through founder Grace Berbig in October 2018 at Orono High School. After her mother was diagnosed with Leukemia: cancer in the blood, Grace and her sisters began to plaster the walls of her Mothers hospital room with loving and encouraging cards, which she cherished. When her mother, unfortunately, passed away, Grace devoted herself to supporting families and individuals fighting similar battles.
“Grace’s story is truly so amazing to me. Seeing someone so young take action only inspires me to give back to my own community. I am beyond excited to be a part of a project that allows me to spread kindness and positivity to those in need,” said Jahzarah Hall, Junior and Social Media manager on the Letters of Love board.
Letters of Love is now a club at over 25 High Schools nationwide with over 1,000 members internationally. This year a Senior at HHS who feels passionately about the mission behind Letters of Love officially started a chapter in our district.
“I have always kept tabs on the organization and have loved seeing its growth throughout high schools in Minnesota. It wasn’t until last summer that I decided to reach out and see what steps needed to be taken to bring the club to HHS. I saw the potential and knew the positive target of the organization would be a great addition to our school community,” Said, Tess Brimmer, Senior and President on the Letters of Love board.
Letters of Love is not only a fresh experience offered to HHS students but also provides a way for our students to make a positive impact onto our extended Minneapolis faction. Whether for those in need or simply a daily act of kindness, any selfless action will promote not only a stronger HHS community, but one that will impact our greater society. At the end of the day, who doesn’t love letters?