Royal of the Month: Noah Peterson

Noah Peterson, senior, is the Royal of the Month this January. Peterson is involved in a variety of activities and classes including ProPEL, AP Physics, and varsity soccer.

How does it feel to be Royal of the Month?

It feels good to be Royal of the Month. My sister won [Royal of the Month] last year, so I feel like this makes me less in her shadow.

What activities are you involved in?

I’m involved in soccer, DECA, NHS, and both intramural and Southwest basketball. The activity that I enjoy the most is intramural basketball because I’m on a team with a bunch of my friends from different athletic backgrounds and we feast on the court.

How have you liked your HHS experience?

My high school experience has been pretty neat, so far.

What has your hardest class been?

The hardest class I’ve taken at HHS is Honors Global Literature because I am not an English person at all, and it’s harder to do well in a class that doesn’t interest you.