Spanish 6 participates in La Extravaganza Culinaria

Fresh smells circulated through the halls of HHS today thanks to the Spanish 6 classes who were participating in La Extravaganza Culinaria.

La Extravaganza Culinaria, which translates to The Culinary Extravaganza, is a project where students prepare ethnic foods from Spanish-speaking countries such as Guatemala, Cuba, and Peru.  Each group was responsible for cooking a traditional main dish, side dish, dessert, and beverage from their assigned country.

Sophia Showalter, senior, grilled Cuban sandwiches for her fourth block Spanish class.

“Food is a big part of any culture,” Showalter said.  “If I ever travel to these countries, I will have an idea of what to expect.”

La Extravaganza Culinaria is a learning experience.

“By preparing and tasting foods from the countries we are learning about in class, we are able to make helpful connections,” said Sydney Fine, senior.