Hiatus between AP classes, exams


Jack Bass, Staff Reporter

The first AP exams begin on May 4, well over a month after third quarter ends.

Classes like AP Environmental Science and AP United States Government ended after the first semester, leaving over four months from the final day of the class to the test day.

Teachers recommend that students use the time before the AP exam to study independently. John Sammler, Science, AP Coordinator, doesn’t think that a gap benefits students.

“I dont expect them to study at all until April,” Sammler said.

The time before the test can turn into a waiting game. Namir Fearce, Junior, who took AP US History last year found himself in the position like many other AP students, waiting for their test dates.

“You learn so much, your brain starts to disperse information when you are no longer using it,” Fearce said.

Fearce is not the only one who feels this way.

“My gut says it’s not ideal. I think people would be better going into it being in the class at the same time [as the test] ,” Sammler said.

Elliot Carson and Brit Stein, Seniors, don’t mind having so much time before their AP exams.

‘It depends on the type of student you are. If you’re the type of student that’s going to take advantage of that extra time and really use it to further or maintain your knowledge, it’s really good.” “The tests are just a barrier of studying.You don’t necessarily have to be smart to get fives.”

Because the college board determines the test dates, not everyone agrees with the way the tests are given.

“Ideally, class would end and then I would have about two weeks to study on my own without the added homework from the class,” Carson said.

While some students have a longer waiting period to take their exam, Sammler has found that there is not a noticeable difference in test scores between students who took AP classes in the fall or the spring.

Although the time gap may not cater to the preferences of everyone, Sammler believes most students will find time to study for the test.

“I’m always impressed at how students actually put in a little time before hand,” Sammler said.