Paraprofessional enjoys last day at HHS

Brit Stein, News Editor

Wednesday, Oct. 15, marks the last day for Mark Peterson, supervisory paraprofessional and varsity fastpitch coach, as a paraprofessional. Peterson spent three years working as a paraprofessional at HHS.

“I am going to the work for the Minnesota-Iowa AAA as a media specialist and public affairs,” Peterson said.

Previously, Peterson had spent 25 years with the Minnesota State Patrol. After he retired as a lieutenant, Peterson spent two years in Afghanistan training Afghans to be police officers. Peterson is also the head softball coach at HHS.

“I have been involved in the softball program in this area for about 25 years,” Peterson said. “Two of my daughters were active in the softball program and I plan to stay involved.”

Peterson said that he will miss the student environment of HHS.

“I had a lot of fun getting to know a lot of the students here. It has been interesting to learn how the system works from a different perspective,” Peterson said.

Peterson also expressed that he will miss the staff of HHS.

“I have enjoyed  meeting the staff and getting to know how hard they truly work to make learning a wonderful experience for the kids,” Peterson said.