The student news site of Hopkins High School


Lion is a thrilling, exciting movie that is guaranteed to put you on the edge of your seat. It is a drama movie, directed by Garth Davis, starring Dev Patel and Nicole Kidman.

It starts out with a five year old boy, named Saroo, who gets lost on a train. The train travels many miles across India separating him from his family. Saroo (Dev Patel) must learn to survive on his own, before he gets adopted by an Australian couple. 25 years later, Saroo is determined to return to his lost family.

I definitely did not expect to like this movie, but by the end of Lion, I was starstruck. Lion is based on a true story. It has amazing cinematography, and acting. This movie made me laugh and cry, but ultimately it moved me.

Lion was nominated for six Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor (Dev Patel), Best Supporting Actress (Nicole Kidman), Best Original Music Score, Best Cinematography (Greig Fraser), and Best Writing Adapted Screenplay.

I would recommend this movie to everyone– you don’t need to like drama to like it. It will change your thinking. You can go see this movie with anyone, friends, or family. If you can go see this movie, it is still in theaters everywhere.

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