Pierce makes a return to HHS

Maya Kupritz

Justin Pierce, senior, is now back at HHS.

Maya Kupritz, Staff Reporter

Justin Pierce, senior, made a comeback to school today, Nov. 9, after getting into a car accident on Sept. 22. He was not able to pay for the damage done, leaving him to have to switch into Park Center High School, located in Brooklyn Park, where his foster family’s house is.

“After the car incident, it kinda started a feud between the people I was staying with and myself, so I’m now staying with Robert Hubbard, until I’m placed in another foster home,” Pierce said.

Today, Pierce is back at HHS, receiving his schedule to finish off his senior year and graduate at the beginning of June.

“I’m very excited to be back into HHS. It’s my home, it’s where I want to graduate and spend my last year of highschool,” Pierce said.

Having Pierce come back would not have been possible without the help from Katie Donovan, senior and her family.

“I actually haven’t touched any of the money to get my car fixed, it was the Donovan’s family. Wendy Donovan’s boyfriend was able to temporarily fix my car and did not charge me at all. So, I have to give thanks to them,” Pierce said.

The GoFundMe campaign called “Bring Justin Back To School” was created by Gabby Bolatto, Suban Biorn, and Paige Lam, seniors. The goal is to raise $1,500; right now $810 has been given, which is going towards fixing his car.

“It was really overwhelming to see all of the help I was receiving to get me back to HHS and it was amazing to see so many friends and teachers give me a hand over those rough couple of months,” Pierce said.