Student bets teacher to drop class final


photo provided by Samit Patel

Matt Molnar, Staff Reporter

When Samit Patel, freshman, was faced with a Forensics final at the end of the term, he made a bet with his teacher to avoid taking it.

If Patel could garner 10,000 supporters via Twitter Retweets, Ms. Michelle Gomez, Science, would consider dropping the final from the class schedule.

“At first, I said no way. Then I thought that this might be an interesting experiment,” Gomez said.

Though the tweet has yet to reach the 10,000 mark, Gomez made a compromise with Patel to decrease the difficulty of the final.

“Because of the effort of Sam and some of his classmates, I will allow students to send me a rough draft of their final essay, and I will give feedback before the final copy is due.” Gomez said.

Patel and his classmates consider this to be a partial victory.

“I’m happy about the fact that we can have a rough draft, but I still would have much rathered not had a final,” Patel said.

The tweet has now reached nearly 1,600 retweets and was even covered by local news circuits as well as a Boston news station.

Though Patel didn’t reach his ultimate goal of 10,000 retweets, he still considers 1,600 retweets to be a great accomplishment.