Model UN grows in size and popularity

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  • Sophie Boerboom and Madeline Nelson, juniors, represented Ukraine in the last conference.

  • Erik Rubinyi and Ben Vaaler, seniors, acted as the delegation of Sweden at the recent conference.

  • Front Row: Simran Mishra, Alex Swenson, Ann Curme, Andrew Zhou, Isaac Carson, Taylor Lewis Back Row: Erik Rubinyi, Ross Womack, Madeline Nelson, Sophie Boerboom, Isaac Kadoun, Ben Vaaler, Ellie Maag

  • Ellie Maag and Simran Mishra, seniors, hold up their position paper awards.

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Croix JoliCoeur, Staff Reporter

While some students come from other countries, others chose to represent them.

Simran Mishra, senior, started Model United Nations last year.

“Model UN is a club or activity that does a close job of what the people do in the UN. It’s all over the world,” Mishra said.

Model UN clubs are given a list of countries that they assign to club members. Each individual or team acts as the delegation of their assigned country at a conference where they discuss a selected topic. The goal is to develop a resolution that the majority of the delegates approve and pass.

At the most recent conference at Edina, Mishra and Ellie Maag, senior, won an award for their position paper on Oman’s views on the topic regarding human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

“[The tournament] went really well. There were about 14 people from Hopkins and about 400 people total,” Mishra said.

The club currently has about 20 people and has been steadily growing with help from their advisor, Mr. Mike Babine-Dinnen.

“I started the club last year, and we didn’t have and advisor last year so it was kind of crazy, but now it’s good to have Mr. Babine-Dinnen,” Mishra said.

For the future of Model UN, Mishra has two goals.

“Have more dedicated members, and have the club grow,” Mishra said.