Concert Choir sings with young Royals
Asher Weisberg, junior, gets ready to accompany the HHS concert choir in Wangol.
West Junior High Choir director Janine Burns introduces the next song for the sixth graders.
HHS concert choir sings, “Haec Est Dies.”
Sixth graders from all of the Hopkins Elementary schools sing, “Duct Tape” together.
Both junior high choirs sing together.
Midori sings in the lobby before the Concert.
A sixth grader introduces their next song, “Duct Tape.”
Both West and North Junior High students sing together during the concert.
HHS concert choir students sing, “Haec Est Dies.”
HHS concert choir starts their concert.
Sam Ostenso, Staff Reporter
Dec 2, 2014
For the first time ever, the HHS concert choir had a concert with the sixth graders from every Hopkins elementary school and both junior high schools. It was a huge turnout with the old gyms risers being packed to full capacity with parents and friends of the old and young singers. The concert showcased the talent of all the Hopkins choirs, grades 6-12.