The student news site of Hopkins High School

Fans and players ready for the energy of football season

Sep 10, 2021

Ayse Ozturk

HHS student section “blued-out” in spirit

Seniors were tailgating and stands were full, reflecting a level of normalcy being brought back to HHS. Football fans and players alike missed the positive energy of cheers no matter what the score depicted.

Underclassmen fighting for a spot as close to the front as possible-where the seniors led classic HHS cheers- reminded everyone of the pre-COVID life.

Jaden Reifsteck, senior, was one of the many who helped lead cheers among the student section.

“It was exciting to cheer on the team and be able to experience games again,” said Reifsteck. “I really loved being able to see my friends play.”

Despite the game not going as hoped in terms of score, fans still enjoyed being able to be in the stands and keep everyone enthusiastic.

Football captain Angelo Lockhart, senior, was pumped to get back on the field this season.

“Throughout the game we were positive and energetic,” said Lockhart. “The end was positive but sad. It was an eye opening and awakening experience for the team to show where improvement was needed when the outcome of the game occurred.”

The football season has just begun, and the culture surrounding it is only growing. 


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