The student news site of Hopkins High School

Kamala Harris Makes History Following Biden Win

Nov 16, 2020

In our nation’s history, we have been led by 46 Presidents and Vice Presidents; 91 men, and now, one woman. 

On Nov. 7, 2020, Kamala Harris became the United States’ first ever female Vice President.

From the nineteenth amendment, certified in 1920, which allowed women the right to vote, it has taken another hundred years to vote a woman into office. 

Harris’ place in office isn’t one that is widely celebrated, though. Yes, she is finally providing a female presence in the highest office in executive America, but her past is one that is highly contested. Despite this, citizens across America celebrate her election as a win for women’s rights nation-wide.

Harris’ election is a first in another area, too. She is the first woman of color to be elected Vice President, joining former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Charles Curtis as the only people of color to earn their place in America’s highest offices. 

Equal representation of women in the political scene will take time. But with standouts like Alexandria Oasio-Cortez on the rise, inspiring women around the world, this evolution will not take another hundred years. 

Love or hate Harris, she is paving the way for women in politics.

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