The student news site of Hopkins High School

Awesome Fund grant goes to Robotics and Weightlifting clubs

Jan 12, 2019

Jaelen Treml

The robotics club in a meeting. This club along with the weightlifting was awarded this grant.

The Awesome Fund recently gave out two grants worth $4,873 to The Technocrats Robotics Club, and the Weightlifting Club.

The Technocrats received $4,000 dollars from the fund. The $4,000 will help the Technocrats fund entry into multiple competitions, including the Great Northern Regional Competition in Grand Forks, N.D.

With the HEF grant, students out of pocket cost to go to Grand Forks will be nothing or a very small amount. This is very important to our team as we believe the effort and time put in by the students is what determines their eligibility for trips,” said Jason Herzog, head of the Technocrats.

Not only will the funds be able to help the club now, but it will help shape the future for the club, as it hopes to expand to the elementary schools, and the junior highs in the District.

“We’ve been able to set aside substantial funds to jump start robotics teams in the elementary schools and junior highs next year, which will be a major focus area for us.”

The Weightlifting Club plans on using the $873 to improve equipment, which will ultimately improve technique and form. The Minnesota State High School Weightlifting championships will be held in Cannon Falls, in March.  

HEF also provided a grant to the Gender Sexuality Alliance, worth $365 in October. The grant was used to enter the club into the 14th annual QueerQuest, which is a youth festival, and conference.

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