The student news site of Hopkins High School

Nolan Lee, the banana man

Dec 5, 2018

Many would say the man has gone bananas, but if you ask him, he says he is living his best life.

Nolan Lee, senior, has been a vegan for about one year, and has been using his daily eating routine for about six months.

Lee’s daily routine consists of eating around 15 to 20 bananas a day, and when he is not eating bananas, he is eating other fruits such as clementines or grapes.

As an ultimate frisbee player, Nolan looks to keep his body in the best shape possible throughout the year. A big believer in daily exercise, he uses bananas to replenish his electrolytes, a method proven to be more beneficial than a sports drink.

“Health has always been some sort of an issue for me, ya know?,” Lee said.

Although fruits such as bananas are very good for you, they are also supposed to be eaten in moderation. Eating fruits in excess may cause headaches and sleepiness, due to the amino acids in bananas that dilate blood vessels. Luckily for Nolan, he does not experience these effects.

Nolan has become somewhat of a legend throughout the school, occasionally walking through the lunchroom with a tray filled with lettuce, and no plate. He has taken healthy to a whole new level, and looks to continue his daily regimen for life.

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