The student news site of Hopkins High School

Expectations and realities of being a captain

Oct 23, 2018

It’s not always talent that makes up a good team. Sometime the younger and less talented players with the right attitude is just enough.

To be a captain there are many skills needed to show make up a good team and these skills are modeled by team captains.

George Jackson, sophomore, was the first boy in HHS track and field history to make varsity as a seventh grader. In ninth grade he continued to impress as he got the position of captain over the many seniors that applied towards the end of last season.

“I’ve worked super hard to earn my spot as captain and it is something I value deeply as I learn not to take it for granted,” Jackson said.

Leadership skills like passion, organization, responsibility, communication and ability to inspire and some of the key items to being a good captain. Some even refer to skills as the three C’s being caring, courageous and consistent.

Going into the 2019 season, Jackson has many goals in mind because he believes in order to be a successful captain you need to be driven towards a specific goal.

“Everyone is born with different talents and my goal is to show the younger athletes how to use their talents to become the most successful as they can be,” said Jackson.

As shown by Jackson, grade does not matter as long as you can fulfill the job and show great leadership which he continues to do on and off the track.

Reese Lovell, junior, plays for HHS girls soccer and next year she is hoping to take the leadership role and be a leader for the team. She hasn’t done anything specific to help her get captain besides being herself. She believes that captain shouldn’t go to someone who fakes the skills it takes instead they should have a passion for it and it should come naturally.

“Only thing I have really done is going to practice everyday with a good attitude and working hard. I have also made sure I have a good relationship with the girls on the team. I guess I just try to lead by example,” said Lovell.

At HHS coaches use captains to show leadership and to inspire young athletes. Captains have a very important role which is why coaches are very precise in who they pick for team captain.

Being a captain isn’t always easy as it seems.

Not only do captains have to be role models for younger athletes, but behind the scenes there are many jobs given to captains that go unnoticeable. Not everyone realizes where the money comes to profit a sport or who organizes the practices.

Former captain for HHS girls soccer, Mary O’Neil, senior, loved being able to be captain. Her favorite memories were decorating apparel and planning the team sleepover but the jobs she did weren’t always that fun. O’Neil also had to plan many fundraisers to help fund for the team.

“Jobs range from leading warm ups to just being there for players as someone to talk to or give words of encouragement,” said O’Neil.

O’Neil will never forget the amazing memories from her senior year of being captain and definitely will miss it.

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