The student news site of Hopkins High School
Photo of books on shelves given for free on Fridays.

Ati Hernke

Photo of books on shelves given for free on Friday’s.

HHS media center presents students with Free Book Friday

Jan 26, 2018

This upcoming summer the media center will be getting some much-needed updates to it, new ceilings and carpets. In order to get those done with no damage to the many books that are housed there, the librarians will be boxing up every book on those shelves.

When the librarians started going through the many books they realized that a lot of them are not checked out a lot anymore because of the busy lives of high schoolers and the missed time for reading for fun.

“These are good books, just like an old favorite sweater, a great quality sweater you just don’t wear it anymore. There’s nothing wrong with the books we are just giving them away.” Said Victoria Wilson, Library Media Specialist.

What they came up with was “Free Book Friday.” Each Friday books will be lined up in the mall for students to take home. This will benefit the library by not having to box up hundreds of books that have not been checked out in a while.

By doing Free Book Friday books that have not been checked out in the library can be taken home by students that can now own them and read them on their own time. The librarians have been overwhelmed by the reaction they have gotten from the students.

“It was very gratifying to me to see how loved these books were. Some kids walked away with like 10 book which is great there’s no limit.” Wilson said.

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