The student news site of Hopkins High School

HHS alum Dona Every joins the paraprofessional team

Jan 12, 2018

Adam Segal

Headshot of new paraprofessional Dona Every.

Making a return to the Hopkins School District, alumni Dona Every has joined the paraprofessional team at HHS this January.

After graduating from HHS, Every continued her education at St.Cloud State in central Minnesota. From there she moved west, spending 12 years in Seattle, Wash, another 12 in Santa Fe, and then some time in ski country in the mountains outside of Denver, Co.

Every spent her time working mainly as a special education para in special education specialized preschools. She eventually switched to private preschools, and has been working in similar institutions for the last six years.

“I just traded in knee high kids for kids taller than me,” Every said.

With family still in Minnesota, Every decided to move back. Since returning two years ago, she has wanted to get involved with the Hopkins School District again. With this job, she has the chance to.

“I had a great experience at this school and I just really still like the energy of this place. It really has a lot of the same feel as it did when I went here,” Every said. “ I wanted to contribute in some way and this job seemed like it would be a good gig. “

Every is excited to transition from spending her time with two and three year olds to high school students. She was very involved in extracurriculars during her years at HHS so she is eager to volunteer for afterschool activities. The new paraprofessional is looking forward to working with older students and engaging in meaningful conversation.

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