The student news site of Hopkins High School

HHS students contemplate Mac vs Chromebook

Dec 13, 2017

Maya Kupritz

Chromebook on the right and MacBook Pro on left.

At the beginning of the school year, the school provides each student with an Acer Chromebook laptop. While most students use these issued laptops, some haven’t opened it.

Among this group is Etai Wert, sophomore, who thinks using his Apple computer benefits him more as a student.

“I feel that I can do more on my Apple computer, it has a better screen, larger keyboard and feels more organized,” Wert said.

The screen size of the MacBook Air is 13 inches compared to the Chromebooks eight inch screen, a seven inch keyboard versus the chromebooks five inch. These features come with a price. The computer Wert uses, MacBook Air, costs $1000, while the Chromebook costs $389.

However, bringing his own computer causes some problems.

“Sometimes I worry about losing it or someone stealing it,” Wert said.

The school purchases more than 1,100 laptops a year, and it is expected that some will break or be stolen. This could be why the school offers the first repair free.

Diego Sojos, sophomore, uses his Chromebook in school and his Apple Macbook at home.

“When I use my chromebook I don’t have to worry about it being stolen or broken,” Sojos said.  

Sojos also likes to keep his school work separated from his personal life.

“When I go home and I am done with my homework I like to watch things like youtube and netflix on my own account,” Sojos said.

Whether it is for faster internet, larger screen or keyboard there are many reasons why students use the computer they do.

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