Hopkins On: Senior Camp Out
May 19, 2017
Tonight, the NHS senior camp out will take place from 7:30 p.m. to midnight.
Tickets were sold the past two days during lunch and will be sold at the door for $5.
Originally, the senior camp out was supposed to be an overnight sleepover on the stadium football field but due to lack of chaperones the overnight portion was cancelled.
The overnight sleepover needed 38 chaperones to happen, as of Monday May 15, only seven chaperones had signed up.
Ms. Jennifer Heimlich, NHS adviser, called for a last minute NHS meeting on Wednesday May 17, where the group decided to have the camp out stop at midnight in order to keep the event on.
Food and entertainment will still be provided. All previous rules apply, no outdoor liquids and bags will be checked. Also, once a student exits, they may not re-enter.